
slightly stripper-esque qualities of six year old step daughter and her story-tellin' sistah

slightly stripper-esque qualities of six year old step daughter
1. She has this little shake-your-pa-changa dance that just makes you stand back and wonder where in the name of all that is holy and good did THAT come from???
2. She is, after all, a preacher's kid.
3. She likes motorcycles.
4. She likes makeup.
5. She likes taking her clothes off and streaking through the house.
6. Her name is Kylie. Isn't that the modern day equivalent of Amber or Tiffany or Heather?
7. She's blonde.
8. She's a total airhead.
9. She likes my pretty panties.
10. She especially likes my pretty panties that are hot pink and have a little lock and key dangling from a satin ribbon on them.
11. Penchant for applying body glitter all over body, especially on her face.
12. The... uhhh... how shall I put this sluttier I dress, the prettier she tells me I look.
13. She likes hoochie-momma heels. She convinced the Pastor to buy her some of those clear plastic shoes, and we all know the only people who wear those.

Her sister, on the other hand, lied to me for no reason whatsoever yesterday. Twice. If you are going to lie, then at least have a really good reason people! Ugh. Here's how one of the liar liar pants on fire stories went. She was playing outside with various and sundry neighborhood children. The Pastor was at the office. I was inside. She comes inside and I'm just making conversation. I say hey punkin, whatcha doin? She says oh I just came in to get something. So I say whatcha need? Oh, I forgot. OK.

She goes into her room. I'm in the hall and can kinda sorta see her rummaging around. She discretely puts something in one of her hands. She comes out of bedroom. I said what did ya get? She has a package of Skittles in her hand. She looks down and says, as though she is completely and totally surprised at the object in her hand, wow! I totally grabbed the wrong thing! She goes back into her room, puts the Skittles down and grabs the next available object which happens to be a stuffed bear.

Mind you, I did not tell her she could not have any Skittles, did not render any sort of opinion on the Skittles. This has been the entire exchange.

She walks out of bedroom, tells me she meant to get the bear, and goes back outside. I stand by the front door and I can completely hear all the kids outside. She tells the other kids welllll I went to get my Skittles, but Robyn was watching me the whole time!

Arrrrrgh!!! She lied to me one other time this past weekend, but it wasn't nearly as interesting so I haven't blathered on about it.

So, older daughter has a slight truth telling problem, and younger daughter is exhibiting qualities of an exotic dancer. They make a fine pair. I think I have my work cut out for me.