
pink luggage, pouting, the pastor pays and one p.o.'d pontificate

The Pastor leaves for England tomorrow. I leave on Friday. The Pastor bought me pink very barbie looking luggage.

This Sunday was my first official Sunday as Mrs. Pastor. The Pastor guest preached at a church this Sunday. The music director prayed a special prayer for the special Pastor, but nobody said anything about the Pastor's wife.

The Pastor acted like he didn't know what he was going to preach about right before he went up on stage. He whispered in my ear "should I preach from Matthew or Mark"? I picked Matthew. Then he told me he was just kidding. Then I told him well that's too bad because God just divinely spoke Matthew to me.

The Pastor's sermon was about Herod and the Magi. Herod thinks he is a *star* but the Magi come to see the big J-man and it ticks Herod off. Kinda like me. I think I am the *star* but the people at the church came to see the Pastor. But I didn't get all huffy about it like Herod.

I don't know who dictated that all churches should be decorated as though it is 1985 and mauve is the only color which can be used. I think we have already established how much I like shades of pink, but geez! You'd think if everyone can agree on ugly church decor we could agree on Jesus stuff too.

me working vs. me not working
The Pastor has pointed out to me that he pays for everything anyway. Except for that one time at Ted's Escondido Mexican Restaurant when I was being very dramatic and told Tommy the Waiter I wanted my own separate check.

I swear if people don't stop putting dirty dishes in both sides of the sink I will freak out.

how do I love thee... let me count the ways...
I love the Pastor because
1. He wears boxer-briefs.
2. He has nice hands, feet and nail beds. Never underestimate the power of nice nail beds!
3. Great kisser.
4. His sexy bald head.
5. He's a total absent minded professor.
6. He bought me a big diamond ring.
7. He cleans my big diamond ring so it will be sparkly.
8. He writes me a note in the driveway with sidewalk chalk that makes me smile when I try to pull in the driveway but can't because there are bikes and scooters and small people everywhere.
9. Duh, the pink luggage.
10. When I try to get out of bed in the morning he throws his leg over me and won't let me.
11. He is so sick and twisted, that since he now knows the dirty dishes in both sides of the sink thing gets to me, he'll do it on purpose.

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