
the L word

Usually the Pastor just thumps his bible around and casts out demons,
spreads the fear of the Lord, etc. etc. Usually.

Not today though. We had invited a couple to our home for dinner.
Why? One can only assume to convince them to remain childless forever.

Anyway, it's t minus 1 hour til our guests arrive. It is at this moment
our dishwasher decides not to drain. So I am putting the final touches
on our meal and the Pastor is dragging in a shop vac to pump out the
dishwasher. When he is doing this, his shorts catch on to one of our
kitchen cabinet doors, and he rips the door apart. Then when he is
walking through the house he knocks over a box fan, causing it to cease
working. At that point I told him to sit on the couch and to NOT TOUCH

I had a good day. It was a day of beauty involving, amongst other
things, hair color and having hairs ripped off skin with molten wax.
But remember, it's not how it feels, but how it will look that really

The Pastor just asked me what I am doing tomorrow. I told him it is L
day. Laundry. And some other L word which seemed terribly important
but now I cannot remember. Oh, now I remember. The Library. I guess
now you can see why my mushy brain might need to go check out some
books. I intend to go check out every book they have about
step-parenting and parenting. If I take the kids to the library and
just stand around, I'm sure after a few minutes the librarians will just
start bringing the books to me, unsolicited.

I kept discussing my planned L day with the Pastor. I added "lovin" to
the list. He added leisure and lazy.

Speaking of unsolicited advice, yesterday the whole family went to work
at the food pantry. I was standing outside conversing with some ladies
waiting on their food. Chocolate daughter came out to hang with me and
the ladies began to give me unsolicited advice on how to fix her hair.
I can barely take care of my own hair.

I worked on the Pastor's office computer last night, hence the pictures
I was finally able to post. Since I left work a month ago, I've not had
internet access except on my phone, which is nice but really not quite
the same. I told the Pastor we've got to do something soon with
internet access because with no internet, no computer, no newspaper, no
magazines and no t.v. I am starting to feel like an Amish person! I
don't even know if Britney Spears has had her baby!

Lights out. Lullaby. Late night. Lay down. There's some more l's for
you. I'm going to bed.

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