

I've been thinking about the differences between this July and last

Last July 1st, the Pastor and I were just friends. We met at On the
Border and had tortilla soup with lots of crunchy tortilla strips and
grated cheese on top. The Pastor spent considerable time during our
meal on the phone with his daughters. I didn't care, after all we were
just friends, and I had had a miserable first half of the year and spent
the time scribbling out my "rest of the year resolutions". The Pastor
asked me to come over after to watch a movie. I declined. The Pastor
paid for my meal, even though it wasn't a "date". And he also said that
he just wanted to pay for it, not just because it was less than $5.
When we were walking out, the Pastor put his hand on my back. I
thought... hey, that's new.... This guy hasn't touched me before.

I was fondly remembering this not-a-date. I mentioned this to the
Pastor and his comments were "quite honestly, I didn't think you looked
very cute that night" (hellllllooooo... white boucle suit!!!) AND if I
touched you that night it was probably because I thought I wouldn't be
dating you". Huh????????

It's nice to know that something that I have so fondly and romantically
remembered left a much different impression on the Pastor.

Last 4th of July weekend I was completely miserable. I went to the
stupid 4th of July festival and I secretly hoped that I would run into
the Pastor. And I know for a fact I looked really cute that day! Now I
am in Kansas with the Pastor and my kiddo and his kiddos. We just got
out of the car after driving several hundred miles with the kiddos and
they are swimming until they hopefully become exhausted. So I really
have no other comment right now.

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