
while I was sleeping

In the past few weeks, I've had two dreams that Jon Krazinski from "The Office" is my boyfriend. I had no idea I liked him that much. I couldn't help it, I was just sleeping. Sorry, Pastor. If it helps, in one of the dreams we just held hands. And I'm also sorry to any "Office" fans because I really do want for him and Pam to get together.

That is better than the other dream I keep having. The one where I don't remember my locker combination. It's the only recurrent dream I've had consistently for years. And it's not even a dream, more like a nightmare. I wonder what it means.


Anonymous said...

Robyn... YOu mention white house/black market in some of your previous postings... we had one just open up about 15 min. from me at the PRIME outlets... I went in to see what you could be so excited about... LOVED IT!!! :o)

Anonymous said...

it's okay . . . I'm in love with Mr. Krasinski too. But I don't know if I'm in love with HIM or with Jim Halpert . . . I think it's more Jim.

Anonymous said...

ps . . . I like the new layout!

noelle said...

I keep dreaming I slept through all my college classes. Oh, wait. I did sleep through most of my college classes because I was hungover...oops!