
beware of buffalo

People shouldn't go to Oklahoma for a whole lot of reasons, attacking buffaloes are just one of them.

If you want to hear about how my brother was gored by a buffalo on a Boy Scout camping trip when he was 13, go to

(Thanks to http://www.makingchutney.com for this link)

just past 31 minutes

Oddly, I still encouraged my son to join Boy Scouts even though he never wanted to join. As it turned out, when we went to an informational meeting, he had a burning question: "Do Boy Scouts have to hunt and kill bears?" Once they answered that NO, he signed up immediately.

But no one told him about the buffaloes.

Oh, and my brother did go on to become an Eagle Scout, so I guess it was all worth it huh?

1 comment:

Suzie said...

My boys didn't want anything to do with the Scouts...the youngest started in Cub Scouts but never went any further.

The oldest all he wanted to do was play a musical instrument...thank God it wasn't drums!