
and on the third day she did NOT rise again

It happened for the first time the other day. I was at church holding that baby girl and someone asked me if the Pastor and I are going to have babies. I responded that we mainly just look around at the kiddos we already have.

I've noticed when the Pastor tells people he knows that I quit my job (and now don't do anything but sit in the giant bean bag chair), people respond to him with things like "that's so great!!!". Even though I am not contributing to the gross domestic product and again just leave my large hiney imprint in the bean bag chair. It's a really comfortable place to sit. Anywho, when I tell people I know they say things like "I am really surprised you quit your job" or "I can't believe you did that". It's just an interesting contrast.

This is the third day I have gone without coffee. No biggie. I've just had a teensy headache. One blinding headache which has lasted THREE FRIGGIN' DAYS! I didn't intentionally give up coffee. It was just that the other day I was running late to bible study and didn't have time to
make any at home. I was going to stop on the way and get some, but bible study is very military-ish about starting at exactly on-time, so I skipped it. I thought I'd go after bible study, but I didn't get the chance. That afternoon I got a killer headache. The Pastor said gee if you are going to get a really bad headache and be throw-uppy if you skip your coffee, don't you think maybe it's time to stop??? No, not really, but then that day and the next the Pastor and I participated in a sleep study, and can you believe they didn't have any coffee at that either?

We are at a spiritual retreat this weekend. We are sleeping in a cabin with a bunch of other people, so I'm fairly certain that it's not going to be a romantic retreat. And I suppose it's probably good that people have time to reflect upon things, and it's not like there is much else
to do since there is no cell phone service here (uhhh, and no privacy).

Dinner was mainly meat. Oh well, since I am on a spiritual retreat I guess I might as well fast too.

We are going out to dinner with a friend tomorrow night. I asked the Pastor where we are going. Taco Cabana. Ick. So I said to the Pastor basically I am getting to eat crappy food all weekend. He didn't appreciate that comment very much.

Here at the retreat with college kids. College kids are so young and sharp. I feel so old and dumb. And fat. I do share a common ground with some of the college girls - our mutual love of lip gloss, the color pink, flat-ironed hair... the list goes on and on.

phone manners
The Pastor and I have really worked with the kids on phone manners. The girls were not with us this week, they were with their mother. Every night this week when the Pastor had his nightly phone call with his daughters, older daughter refused to talk to him and would say something like "I don't want to talk". The Pastor saw her at her school one day this week and told her "hey, that really hurts my feelings when you do that", but still she continued with the I don't want to talk stuff. Last night I was on the phone with younger daughter. She was having
total drama about her missing library book, the first one she had ever checked out. It's lost and when you lose a library book your mom can't help you, your dad can't help you, your sister can't help you! You have to pay for the library book yourself and she doesn't have any money!!!
Or a job!!!

Anyway, she takes the phone to her older sister and older daughter says "I don't want to talk to talk to Robyn"!!!!!

Today when the girls came home, they said hi to me. I said hi to the younger daughter, and to older daughter I said "hi, but I really don't want to talk to you" and she said "OK" and went about her merry way. Now she is just completely ignoring me. We will see how long the silent
treatment lasts.

The Pastor, a never-ending source of blog fodder, is sitting beside me at this praise and worship service. He says he doesn't get praise and worship. It's stupid. They have a 'band' leading the worship. The Pastor said it's just a bunch of people making 'guitar face' for Jesus. They have cheese puffs here to snack on, the Pastor said the real cheese puffs are the ones singing and raising their hands. I think he's just jealous because he doesn't know the words to the songs and it's finally an area where I am superior to him.

I'm surprising lucid for someone who's not had coffee, huh?


Anonymous said...

Dinner was mainly meat. Oh well, since I am on a spiritual retreat I
guess I might as well fast too.

For some reason this made me laugh so much I couldn't read any further for ages.

oh you write so well!!!

Anonymous said...

Listen, I was IN THAT CABIN WITH YOU, and there was NO WAY I was venturing into that outer room, no matter WHAT sounds I might have heard. Ahem.

So on this coffee thing, well, I get a headache every Sunday from a lack of coffee, because that is the beginning of the second day w/o it. But only lasts a full day, and then it's gone. Of course if I would just DRINK the stuff reguarly, I could avoid it all. You should too. Coffee is what makes all this relgion stuff possible. OTHERWISE IT WOULD TURN OUR BRAINS TO MUSH!!!!