
it is the glory of God to conceal things

how I am different than the Bible Scholar
actual excerpts from my conversations:
-curves = good
-yes, but, by the time something will fit over my hips... much, much much too big at waist
-I wish I didn't like rice so much.
-I know! I will drink my water. Then I won't want to eat so much, right?
-So how many crunches do you do a day?
-I'm pretty good at yoga. I'm flexible.
-It could jinx you if I wear something I already have.
-No hose. Put sparkly lotion on your legs.

Now, let's compare with the Pastor's conversations, shall we?
-those students will eat up Barth
-blah blah blah Barmen Confession
-why can't they just stick with Lodahl and get them to see that God is love
-...take the Trinity to be the foundation of relationality... if so, it seems that your view must be explicitly incarnational and Christological as well (The Pastor SWEARS that Christological is an actual word, a very common word.)
-you never told me which minor prophets you need help with (Duh, of course not, the church nerd probably got all wrapped up in the major prophets and didn't have time to get to the minor ones.)
-relational theology is all about ecclesiology

and a bunch of other boring stuff

oh what a tangled web we weave
Friday, I was on my way out to be a good mommy and pick up my child from school. As I walked out the front door, I noticed my beloved White House Black Market September catalog in the mailbox. I rejoiced! The new catalog is here! But I was on a mission and was not about to turn around, unlock the door, deposit the mail on the counter and walk back out. I thought I'll just leave it in the mailbox. Something to look forward to when I come home. I skipped to the car and went on my way.

I came home and there was no mail in the mailbox. There was no mail on the kitchen counter. There was no mail to be found anywhere. The Pastor had come and gone.

Hmmmmm. What a mystery!

Perhaps the Pastor had spied the catalog in the mailbox, looked through it and something captured his eye right away! I must buy this for my beautiful bride! He was no doubt at the White House Black Market store.

So I waited. When the Pastor came home, he did NOT have a black and white shopping bag. I said where is my White House Black Market catalog?

My catalog - in the trash! In the trash! And not only was it in the trash, he had gone to great lengths to conceal it. He had put it in an envelope and put that inside of something else, you get the picture.

He claims the last time I received the White House Black Market catalog, it cost him a lot of money. This may be true, but did you SEE how good I looked in the black halter dress and wedges? Huh? I explained to the Pastor that even if I am completely unable to own anything from the September catalog, I also like to peruse for hair, makeup and general style ideas. There are valid reasons for looking at a catalog outside of intent to purchase.

I am in the Pastor's office blogging about his pilfering, his shanghai-ing, his filching of my White House Black Market catalog. We just had a discussion about what he actually did. I say he deceived me. He doesn't like that word and says that's not what he did. He didn't deceive me, he says, because when I asked him where it was he immediately told me it was in the trash and he actually took great joy in demonstrating how it had been intentionally concealed.

But I think we can all agree - how cute would I look in this?


Mike W. McVey said...

I do not know if Christological is a word, but all the professors do use it a lot. :-D

Anonymous said...

I don't want to interfere, but after reading your blog i keep thinking that you wouldn't have to put up with things like this, and you'd be able to spend on the things you like, if you had only kept your job. Besides, it was part of who you were and he liked you enough to marry you like that?
An even more serious reason you shouldn't have left your job is the unpredictability of life: if for whatever reason you're forced to support yourself and x amount of children in a few years, it will be much harder to get back into the market and you'll have to kill yourself over a shitty job with low pay. I've had many examples in my environment where things went awry for the woman. I'd say get back to working now that it's still fresh.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you should go back to work unless the Pastor wants you to! It's a good think that you are staying home with the children! They can never get that back!
But..........give the poor pastor a break, the guy shops at Goodwill for crying out loud!
Do you remember how much you used to spend on shopping when you were working? Now,can the Pastor afford that? Marriage takes sacrifices.....from both sides!
Down the road you don't want him to "resent" you! (Him concealing & throwing out that catolog the way he did was a "sign"!) Good luck! And keep up the good work! Rootin'for ya in L.A.!

Nicole said...

I'd say that it's awfully bold for "anonymous" people to tell other people unsolicited advice for how to live their lives!

Delia Christina said...

one, i think your blog is fabulous. i'm a preacher's kid who was raised to be a pastor's wife, dreads becoming a preacher's wife and secretly believes that if i did become a pastor's wife, i'd be scandalous.

two, i'm with nicole. pastor's wife is not asking for advice from anyone on her life, her family or her wonderful shoe choices.

three, "I don't think you should go back to work unless the Pastor wants you to!"

um...totally problematic.

hotsirenita said...

nicole & ding, have you stopped for a minute to think that maybe you're exactly like those oh-so-daring anonymous commentors, or perhaps even worse?
While they merely gave some advice, you proceeded to assume what the pastor's bride wants and doesn't want!

From what i know, when someone doesn't want any kind of communication or advice, they don't post their personal lives on public blogs, and they most certainly don't leave the comments' feature turned on. Much less they don't leave the ability for anonymous people to post comments turned on, unless they don't mind.

Furthermore, i don't think anyone should take advice as anything more than it is. Advice.
Unsolicited or not, anonymous or not, from people we know or not, advice is advice. It's not a dictation on how to live one's life.
Anyone with the mental ability of a child and up, should take advice for what it is, think about it, and make up his/her own mind.

I don't understand why you felt so threatened by someone voicing their opinion to someone else. If you don't like being exposed to different ideas, i suggest you cut off the internet, throw away your tv, and stay inside your house and never leave again. Oh, and please don't open the door either, it might be someone with.. ADVICE! *gosh*

That said, i assume responsibility for the first anonymous comment (8/23/2005). I didn't think my comment would be read by superficial people who think a name above words matters more than the words themselves. Please forgive me for such a grave mistake.


Delia Christina said...

because i like this space and pastor's wife certainly doesn't need some kind of flame war opening up here, i'll leave the substance of black's comments alone.

suffice it to say: dude, chill out just a little bit. (and watch the condescension - totally not appreciated.)