
lost in translation

things the Asian tailor lady said to me: (as you read you may want to read with an Asian accent if that helps)

-You have sexy body!
-Look at that! You must work out all the time! All the time!
-When I was working on your dress and my daughters saw it, they thought that you were a black woman because of how I was taking it in! But I said no! She's a white woman!
-You look like a model!
-You have tiny, tiny waist and biiiiiiig hips!
-Have you had butt implants?

I simultaneously feel complimented/violated/offended.

If anyone knows of a good tailor, let me know. I'm looking.


C.A. said...

She thought you were a black woman...ROFL...OK, now that is just FUNNY.

Where does one find a good tailor in OK? Butt implants...OMG.

Robyn, it's always an adventure, isn't it?


Mx said...

my tailor is an ancient armenian woman....All she ever sez is

"What you got? 400 pair blue jeans?"

she's right

Going Comomdo said...

Next time tell her Yes. "YES, I have Brazilian Butt Lift Implants a' la JLo. You gotta problem with it???" Then politely suggest some corrective surgery ideas to her.

MamaNeedsAMargarita said...

I just wanted to say that I LOVE reading your blog! Come visit mine if you ever get a chance!

Leslie said...

Sweiss on Rockwell/NW Expy.

She's European and has an Asian assistant who doesn't speak...

So, sounds like a good plan for you.

SacrificeofPraise said...