
lather, rinse, repeat

too. much. information.
I have been suffering from a variety of ailments, which include but are not limited to:
1. I got my period AGAIN for New Year. Just like last year! How can one be expected to make resolutions and get the new year off to a good start like that? 2. My pee is presently not a color that exists in nature. 3. Prior to marrying the Pastor and his brood, no migraine (or "mybrain" as Nate used to call them) headaches for years. After marrying the Pastor and his brood, two in six months! And there was vomit! I never do that! It's horribly unattractive and completely unnecessary, much like pushing in childbirth. 4. I am never eating popcorn again.

these are a few of my favorite things
Almost every day, the Pastor and I take a shower together. I had romanticized this until today, when the Pastor said he did it to save water.

Oh, and when we were in the shower, he was looking at the razor blade I was getting ready to discard. I use those razor blades that have soap around the blade. The soap was all off on the trash blade. He was studying the blade and I knew my adorable cheap husband was thinking 1.
the blade is still good and 2. I am going to find some way to shave with it. So he shaved his cute little face with it, commenting on how he wishes HE had triple blade action instead of a single blade. My sassy retort to that was "well I wish I only had to shave four square inches of my body!".

1 comment:

Hausfrau said...

You are too funny! I just wanted to let you know I've been enjoying your blog.