
cruel & unusual punishment

To have swimsuits in the stores already, don't ya think?


Anonymous said...

it is cruel...but then again it will make us thing about getting a behinds to the gym, before it is too late.

Lisa said...

it's a conspiracy between the swimsuit industry and Bally Total Fitness. I'm glad I haven't seen them yet...I was thinking about buying a one-piece this year but then I decided that was a sign of laziness...

Natalie said...

I saw something today that reminded me of you.. eh..your blog, as I don't know you. :)


I'm not sure how to make it into a link in the comments section.. it's an article about a new preacher's wife.

I agree about the swimsuits.. punishment!

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

Far from stores it is seed and Victoria Secrets Swimsuit catalogues which hold out promise of what Summer may have to offer.

I must be getting old for I do not know which is more torturing yet delightful.