
Happy Thanksgiving

It's not a trip without

-Some sort of near death experience for me (cliff hiking). If you only knew how teeny the cliffs were, you would know how dramatic I am. But you don't know, so you don't know.

-The Pastor attempting to do something for which he is probably "too old" to do.

-A trip to Goodwill/Amvets/Salvation Army. Then, me trying to pack our stuff to come home and find room for the 13 shirts the Pastor bought at Goodwill.

-Multiple pictures of me wearing my blue Victoria's Secret hoodie and my ugly Chacos.

And I am proud to say this is my second consecutive trip with no tears. Now that's something to be thankful for.


Anonymous said...

the boys haircut/style looks great.

Laurie Tomlinson said...

Nate is such a handsome man!