
Rise and Shine

I woke up to an inbox full of e-mails from the Pastor, who wanted to video chat with me first thing this morning.

I called him, only to hear him complain that I was wearing the same thing I was the last time we chatted. Of course I was! He called me last night, we video chatted, I went to bed, I woke up and called him again. There were no wardrobe changes.

In an effort to make him happy, I took my sleep-shirt off. Now he was, oddly, really displeased. He's not that kind of Pastor.

So I ran to the freezer and grabbed the package of steaks I bought for his return home next week, and I covered up with those. Maybe I could entice him with meat.

But this didn't have the desired
effect either. He was laughing too hard to talk about anything.

And I was getting frostbite.


Janie Fox said...

you crack me up. Seriously funny. And my verification word is blogrita...is that a new drink?

Becca said...

Hilarious. Thanks for your many amusing posts! I love hearing about your life. :)

Jamie said...


Oh how I would love to be a fly on the wall in your house..

at least now and then.

Thanks for making me laugh.
