
pretty in the face

It's Saturday, but remember - I am busy, important career woman and had to come to the office. I reluctantly left the sleepy Pastor at home in bed. He looked so cute, sleeping on his back in the middle of the bed on our pink Target bedding. His sweet little bald head. My small child and younger daughter were awake. I threatened them within an inch of their lives to not wake up the sleeping Pastor. He has a sermon to preach tomorrow people! He must be well-rested to deliver the word of God! Then, before I came to office I went to Clark's Pastry Shop and loaded up on donut holes and pink horsey cookies for the kiddos and a maple long john for my beloved. Isn't that nice of me to tell the kiddos to not wake the Pastor up yet simultaneously load them up with sugar? But kiddos must have donuts and horsey cookies from Clark's Pastry Shop on Saturday morning.

You never know what exciting things the Pastor and his bride will do on a Friday night. Last night, we went to eat Korean food with the Pastor's work colleagues so he could tell them about his trip to the Holy Land. That's all very fascinating, but I know what you are really thinking. What did you wear, Robyn? I wore a bright pink strapless lace shirt, with a little bow right under where my boobies would be if I had any boobies. White eyelet skirt. Black strappy shoes. Big hair. This really cool pink crocheted shawl the Pastor brought me back from Jerusalem (the tag said made in China, that was funny). I probably didn't look very Nazarene Pastor wife-ish.

outfit of the day
I promised Nate the Great I would wake him up at 7:20 this morning before I went to office. Yes, he asked me to wake him up at exactly 7:20. The reason: he claims he is a morning person. That made me giggle because if he was really a morning person, he wouldn't need Mommy to wake his little hiney up. Anyways, I got Nate up and he told me I looked pretty. I said sweety! I am just wearing my black capri track pants and my "marry rich" shirt (btw, the Pastor hates this shirt) and have my hair in a very cute and fashionable ponytail and just have a clean, scrubbed make-up free face! He said you look pretty in the face mommy. What a sweet kid. Of course, he had just rolled out of bed and still had the sleep in his eyes and no glasses on, but if he wants to say that I'm pretty in the face then that's what we're going with.

We have another Nazarene outing tonight. I haven't decided what to wear yet. I know you will be anxiously awaiting for my next post.

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